Serving and collecting robot
with advertising display
HolaBot ist ein professioneller Roboter für viele Sammelaufgaben.
Pudu HolaBot ist der erste vielseitige Sammelroboter von Pudu, der auf innovative Art und Weise den Einsatz autonomer Roboter in den Bereichen Gastronomie, Büro, Medizin, Industrie usw. ermöglicht. Ausgestattet mit viel Stauraum, hoher Tragfähigkeit, Rufempfängerfunktion, Gestenerkennung und Sprachsteuerung, kann Pudu HolaBot überall die Arbeitsleistung steigern.


Load capacity 60 kg
120L volume
pager function
gesture recognition

sound localization
Speech recognition without handset
3D obstacle avoidance technique
Watertight interior cabin
Abschied von schmutzigen und ermüdenden Arbeiten
Bestleistung: HolaBot hat eine Tragkraft von bis zu 60 kg. Mit vier Ablagen und einer wasserdichten Kabine der Klasse IPX5. Das umfangreiche Funktionsspektrum verleiht HolaBot eine noch nie dagewesene Sammelleidenschaft
Höchst intelligent: HolaBot hat einen Rufempfänger und Gestensteuerung. Dank des Baukastensystems und des Tiefensensors ist HolaBot der Goldstandard unter den Sammelrobotern
Zum Einsammeln geschaffen
Effizient: Tragfähigkeit 60 kg/120 L, schnelle Bewegung, doppelt so effizient wie das Personal
Sicher: Hindernisse werden sanft umfahren, wasserdicht und auslaufsicher
Bezahlbar: Kostet nur 5,- € am Tag
Einfach: Keine Wartung erforderlich
Strapazierfähig: erfolgreicher Dauerbelastungstest über 73.000 km (Daten anhand eines konkreten Umgebungstests)
Extremely much space
Load capacity 60 kg, volume 120 l, 4 spacious shelves[1]. Several tables in one pick-up possible, so that the restaurant can bring in more sales. The robot also moves medical waste from the point of origin to the designated storage space, helping to better treat medical waste and reduce infection rates.
5 adjustment levels, flexible storage level
aesthetic design
The HolaBot has an innovative, bionic design. It's just perfectly executed from the height of the machine hull to the screen tilt to the shape curve.

pager function
One call is enough
The Pudu HolaBot includes a call receiver function[2] , and allows calling and assigning tasks to the robot at any time. Employees can use the pager to call the HolaBot to quickly complete tasks. The robot can receive orders via the call receiver and is therefore always ready to call.
gesture recognition
You don't need to touch the buttons: simple and contact-free.
The innovative technique of gesture control allows the staff to send HolaBot back to the dishwashing room, for example, by waving contactlessly over the robot's sensor area
sound localization
Autonomous and intelligent
"Hola Hola" voice recognition, a six-sided omnidirectional microphone that allows the robot to locate a sound source in real time and turn appropriately.
HolaBot locates an employee by shouting "Hola, Hola" and turns the tray towards him so that it can be loaded faster.
Waterproof interior cabin according to class IPX5
The waterproof inner cabin with class IPX5 can withstand various splashes from the working environment and the machine body remains clean.

The BellaBot can be used more flexibly because it can use laser SLAM as well as optical SLAM for location and navigation. Both are accurate and easy to use. Both tracking systems in the BellaBot are of equal quality. While positioning solutions differ, BellaBot's customer-centric service never changes.

Vorteile einer HolaBot-Nutzung
Mit mehreren Servicerobotern verknüpfbar
Stabil und effizient
Einfacher Betrieb
Lange Akkulaufzeit + Wechselakku
Einsammlung medizinischen Abfalls

More features

The right choice for different types of operation indoors
Pudu Robotics independently researches and develops its own robot positioning and control processes with multiple sensors. The HolaBot can be used extensively in commercial areas such as restaurants, hotels, office buildings, etc.
High load capacity
In its 120 l cabin, the HolaBot contains 4 height-adjustable shelves. The load capacity is 60 kg. HolaBot is known for its large volume and high carrying capacity.
120 l = 120 small wash items, 39 large wash items, 33 bowls
60 kg/trip

Highly adaptable: IPX5
In the catering business, the staff often have to deal with greasy dishes and leftovers. The interior cabin of the Holas is the first in the catering industry to be rated IPX5, removable and washable, making it easy to load and clean
The independent suspension system ensures stable delivery
The Holabot's self-adjusting and adjustable suspension system conforms to vehicle standards
By dynamically changing the damping and the resonance frequency, it adapts optimally to the respective surface
Delivers liquid goods without spilling

3D obstacle avoidance technology provides guaranteed safety
3*REALSENSE™ RGBD Camera: Gives the HolaBot the best 3D perception ability
Accurately detects obstacles and stops within 0.5 seconds in case of an obstacle
Extra wide front detection area up to 192.64°
Front detection range of more than 10 meters
Detection range of objects as small as 2 cm in height
up to 5400 obstacle detections per minute
Contactless delivery, security is everything
HolaBot is suitable for call receivers, tracks targets using voice instructions and receives commands via remote control. In restaurants, HolaBot receives requests from call recipients and collects the dishes. It requires no manual operation, avoids human contact and increases performance.

The PUDU SCHEDULE uses a decentralized, flexible instant network and algorithm architecture for communication. Each robot can communicate directly with each other in the same network and make calculations and decisions quickly. This puts less strain on the network, the central computing node requires less power, and the robots behave more human-like.
The PUDU CLOUD platform offers a powerful basis for Pudu robots that operate an intelligent hospitality business with specific functions such as business management, automated operation with maintenance, case-based data collection and cloud services.

safety certifications
The BellaBot robot has obtained KC certification from Korea, CE certification from EU, FCC certification from USA, RCM certification from Australia and NCC certification from Taiwan, China. The IMDA certification from Singapore, the MIC/TELEC certification from Japan, the CR (China Robot Certification) and many other certifications at home and abroad guarantee that our robots are safe and comply with guidelines.
Technische Daten
Maße der Maschine
541 mm × 531 mm × 1226 mm
10-24 h (Austauschbarer Akku)
Tragfähigkeit des Einzelfachs
15 kg
Standardhöhe des Einzelfachs
228 mm/198 mm/198 mm/190 mm (von oben nach unten)
Durchschnittliche Ausgangsleistungsverfahren
150 W
Wasserdichtes Gehäuse
Für Raumgrößen bis
Gewicht des Roboters
60 kg
4.5 h
Abmessungen des Einzelfachs
475 mm × 400 mm
0,5 – 1,2 m/s, einstellbar
Instantnetzwerk LoRa
1,3 Zoll TFT-LCD-Bildschirm